Our Iñupiat traditions, values, and Iñupiaq language enhances our quality of life and improves our well-being at a community and individual level. The Iñupiat culture provides us with important social and subsistence benefits as well, which allows us to come together amongst ourselves and others to increase tolerance and opportunities. Through our Iñupiaq language, food, music and arts, we will continue to be united and practice our way of life. As our responsibility to the region, Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat aims to pass along information and tools you can use to create a healthy Iñupiat environment.
North Slope Region
- Iḷisaġvik College – Uqautchim Uglua Program: http://www.sacredlittleones-ilisagvik.org/
- Iñupiat Heritage Language Center: http://www.north-slope.org/departments/inupiat-history-language-and-culture/central-office
- North Slope Borough School District – Iñupiaq Education Department: https://www.nsbsd.org/Domain/44
- Alaska Native Heritage Center: http://www.alaskanative.net/
- Alaska Native Knowledge Network: http://ankn.uaf.edu/
- Alaska Native Science Consortium: http://www.nativescience.org/
- Alaskaool: http://www.alaskool.org/language/indexing/inuindex.htm
- Association of Village Council Presidents – Head Start Program: https://www.akheadstart.org/programs/
- Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA): https://eloka-arctic.org/index.html
- Kawerak, Inc. – Eskimo Heritage Program: http://www.kawerak.org/ehp.html
- Kawerak, Inc. – Head Start Program: http://www.kawerak.org/headstart.html
- Kawerak, Inc. – Social Science Resources: http://www.kawerak.org/socialsci.html
- Native Village of Kotzebue – Nikaitchuat Ilisagviat Program: http://www.kotzebueira.org/programs/nikaitchuat.html
- Native Youth Olympic Games: https://citci.org/partnerships-events/nyo-games/
- World Eskimo-Indian Olympics: http://www.weio.org/
- University of Alaska Fairbanks – Alaska Native Language Center: https://www.uaf.edu/anlc/
- Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA): https://eloka-arctic.org/index.html
- Government of Nunavut – Inuit Societal Values Project: http://www.gov.nu.ca/culture-and-heritage/information/inuit-societal-values-project
- Inuit Siku Atlas: https://sikuatlas.ca/index.html
- Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – Early Learning and Childcare Framework: https://itk.ca/national-indigenous-early-learning-and-child-care-report/
- Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami – National Strategy on Inuit Education: http://www.itk.ca/national-strategy-on-inuit-education/
- Inuvialuit Regional Corporation – Research: http://www.irc.inuvialuit.com/research
- Nunavut Climate Change Centre – Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (Traditional Knowledge): http://www.climatechangenunavut.ca/en/node/841
- The Nunavut Bilingual Education Society: http://nbes.ca/