Arctic Slope Native Association ASNA represents the villages of Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Utqiaġvik (Barrow), Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay and Wainwright. We are a tribal ... learn more Arctic Slope Regional Corporation As the largest Alaska-owned company, ASRC represents the business interests of its approximately 11,000 Inupiaq shareholders and employs more than... learn more Atqasuk Corporation Atqasuk Corporation is a village Corporation established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Act of 1971. The Corporation owns approximately 73,000 acres of su... learn more City of Anaktuvuk Pass Incorporated as a second-class city in 1957, Anaktuvuk Pass – a historic caribou migration route – is the last remaining settlement of the inland Iñup... learn more City of Atqasuk Atqasuk is located inland from the Arctic Ocean on the Meade River about 60 miles southwest of Utqiaġvik (Barrow). It has long been established as a ... learn more City of Barrow Utqiaġvik (Barrow) is the economic, transportation and administrative center for the North Slope Borough. Located on the Chukchi Sea coast, Utqiaġvik... learn more City of Kaktovik Kaktovik is the easternmost village in the North Slope Borough, 120 miles east of Barrow and 70 miles west of the Canadian border. Kaktovik lies on th... learn more City of Point Hope Point Hope is the second largest city on the North Slope. Iñupiat make up eighty-nine percent of the population with the local economy based largely... learn more Iḷisaġvik College Located in the northernmost point of Alaska, Iḷisaġvik College is a two-year tribal college offering quality post-secondary academic, vocational and t... learn more Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS) ICAS is a regional Alaska Native tribal government governed by the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 that represents and is selected by the Iñupiat people of th... learn more Kaktovik Iñupiat Corporation Kaktovik Iñupiat Corporation owns approximately 92,000 acres of surface lands in and around the community. All of the corporation’s land is within ANW... learn more Native Village of Atqasuk Atqasuk is located inland from the Arctic Ocean on the Meade River about 60 miles southwest of Utqiaġvik (Barrow). Atqasuk has long been established a... learn more Native Village of Barrow As a federally recognized tribe, the Native Village of Barrow is the traditional Iñupiat government and is directly responsible for its tribal members.... learn more Native Village of Point Hope Point Hope is located near the tip of Point Hope peninsula, a large gravel spit that forms the western-most extension of the northwest Alaska coast... learn more Native Village of Point Lay Point Lay is located on the Chukchi Sea coast, protected from the open ocean by the Kasugaluk Lagoon. It is about 300 miles southwest of Utqiaġvik (Ba... learn more North Slope Borough The North Slope Borough is America’s northern-most municipal government, and encompasses an area of nearly 95,000 square miles across northern Alaska.... learn more North Slope Borough School District The North Slope Borough School District is located at the “top of the world” in Northern Alaska. Our students are fully immersed in preparing for tomo... learn more Nunamiut Corporation Nunamuit Corporation is a village corporation, which owns approximately 92,000 acres of surface lands in and around the community of Anaktuvuk Pass.... learn more Olgoonik Corporation Olgoonik is a strong family of government and commercial contracting companies established to create benefits for our Alaska Native shareholders, and... learn more Tikigaq Corporation Tikigaq Corporation of Point Hope, Alaska, is a village Corporation with approximately 1,400 shareholders. Tikigaq has proven arctic construction capa... learn more Ukpeaġvik Inupiat Corporation Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC) is one of Alaska’s largest companies and is headquartered in Utqiaġvik (Barrow), Alaska - the northernmost point i... learn more